EBEEM Prep Course


  • The course is designed for emergency physicians preparing for Part B of the European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM)
  • This is the only EBEEM preparation course endorsed by The European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) and the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM)
  • The purpose is to expose participants to scenarios with the same format as those featured in the Part B exam
  • The course aims to provide test-taking strategies that will improve candidate performance
  • Please note that only those candidates are eligible taking the Priming Course who have been passed the Part A exam and interested in taking the next Part B exam or re-sit candidates of the Part B exam.


  • This intensive one-day course will feature a total of 14 OSCE (structured clinical examination) stations and 7 VIVA (structured oral examination) stations
  • Each course participant will play the role of the exam candidate during 3 scenarios and participate or observe during the remaining 18 scenarios
  • Focused feedback will be provided after each scenario using structured checklist