This year the Emergency Medicine Day campaign is dedicated to safety. Safety for our patients, who need care, attention and relief from pain and disease. Safety for our colleagues, who need to be able to work in a secure environment, for the right number of hours with the right number of patients in order to be able to give them the right amount of our time and energy.
Only in these conditions are we sure to provide the patient with a safe haven in an emergency.


We strongly believe it is of the utmost importance that we can provide concrete data to the relevant stakeholders to reflect our distress and how this can threaten our safety and that of our patients.

We therefore would like to invite you to respond to the following 40 questions, based on a validated survey, about the safety of emergency care in your ED. We hope you can support the EM-Day with 10 minutes of your time.

In parallel to this survey we are sending a questionnaire to patients’ organisation and to individual patients, with the hope that the results of the three surveys will describe the situation in an unequivocal way.

The results of these surveys will be published on the EM day and will be circulated to media and politicians.

Click the link or scan the QR code



Registration virtual EBEEM Part A exam is open

Registration for the virtual EBEEM Part A exam on March 10 is open till 31 January!

By graduating for the European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) Part A and B, you will acquire certified proof of your skills and knowledge on European level.
Check this brochure to get a quick overview of the exam or read more on


Step 1: Go to your MyEUSEM account or create one here and log in with your credentials.

Step 2: Enter the application via button “Exam A preregistration and application form”

Step 3: Fill in the form and pay pre-registration (€100)

Step 4: Use the link in your confirmation email or the button “Overview of the registration” and submit the required documents

Step 5: In case your application is successful, you will receive an email after the deadline (31 January), with instructions how to pay the exam fee and how to attend the exam virtually.



Meet the new President Jim Connolly

Welcome to the EUSEM newsletter for December 2022. I am truly proud to have been elected by the membership of EUSEM to represent you as the President for the next 2 years. I would like to start by thanking the outgoing President Abdo Khoury for not only steering EUSEM through a difficult period while still strengthening EUSEM as a society.

It was fantastic to be in Berlin with so many of you. You all helped make the congress an incredible success. I would wish to personally thank DGINA for their incredible work in making it so. There are far too many others to mention but once again Patrick Plaisance’s leadership of the ECOC was pivotal and the Scientific committee (Senad Tabakovic and Christian Hohenstein) worked tirelessly to create the scientific programme.

It was great to see so many of the emergency family and to share ideas and hopes for the future, even in these difficult times. More than that it was great to just take some time out of the pressures we are all experiencing and to find some time to laugh and dance (and for those of you fortunate/ unfortunate {delete as appropriate} enough to find the karaoke bar to sing!!).

For those I have not yet met I would like to introduce myself. I consider myself, more than anything, a working front door EM Doctor. EM has been a major part of my life for over 30 years and like many of you the passion to do the best for every patient who entrusts themselves to our care remains a strong driver. In case you didn’t know I also do a bit of ultrasound now and then. I live and work in the North of England in a busy ED/ Trauma Centre. Like most of you I think my team are the best there is!!My outside interests include travel and football but for the sake of impartiality, I will not declare my favourite team.

I have been involved in EUSEM on and off for nearly 20 years during which time the Society has grown steadily, not only in membership and attendance at conferences, but in its many other functions. Educationally I look towards next year with the creation of several new ecourses and several new educational events are planned throughout the year. The research group remains busy and I remain grateful for all the members of sections and committees who continue to give their time and effort so generously.

In the coming year EUSEM will also continue to advocate for those working in Emergency Medicine especially in highlighting the importance of working conditions and appropriate support for those who provide care in emergencies. We all know the next period will not be easy.  

If you are not yet involved in EUSEM I would encourage you to become involved in our task to make Emergency Care the gest it can be for all those we serve. There are many opportunities and sections to become part of. I am keen to hear your ideas and happy to be contacted directly to offer any support I can for your ideas ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) ).

Finally, I want to wish you and your families a wonderful and hopefully peaceful holiday period. To those working on the frontline this Christmas and New Year I hope it is as peaceful as it can be, whilst recognising it is our busiest period as a specialty. This Christmas I am sure you will also join me in sending continued thoughts and prayers for those caught up in conflicts and disasters especially to our EM family in Ukraine.

I look forwards to meeting many of you next year

Jim Connolly


Join the Global Campaign Against ED Overcrowding

The current state of over-crowding experienced at hospital Emergency Departments in many nations globally is an unacceptable and preventable threat to patient safety which must be immediately addressed.

What are typical causes?

  1. High numbers of patients coming to the ED (often the right alternative options do not exist or they fail to meet the demand for urgent, non-emergency healthcare)
  2. Insufficient supplies, staff or efficient process within the ED
  3. Too few hospital beds ready to receive ED patients so ED becomes gridlocked because patients are blocked from leaving the ED

Delays in transferring patients out of the ED is the most common problem. Sometimes all three factors are causing the problem. 

The aim of this campaign is to get greater awareness and demand immediate solutions. Some countries are in crisis. It is time for action.  

On the dedicated campaign website created by IFEM, you can find a campaign toolkit to help spread the message.

It contains, a position statement, a press-release, posters and tools for social posts. The campaign is directed to an external Non-EM audience.

Share widely with your general public, local journalists, local health policymakers and politicians, and through your social media channels. 

Connect and share with all organizations and people who play a role in achieving change. 

All questions about the campaign can be addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

 #NoMoreLivesLostWaiting and #ResetEmergencyCare 


Call for Chair of the EUSEM Congress Organising Committee

Patrick ECOC chair

Deadline: 23 December 2022

We are looking for a volunteer to lead ECOC, for upcoming European Emergency Medicine Congresses (EUSEM Congress) in 2024-2027.

ECOC Chair

The ECOC chair must be an active member of EUSEM in good standing.

Terms of Reference
Purpose of ECOC
Reporting lines
Members & roles of ECOC

The ECOC Chair is responsible for:

  • Together with the EUSEM Office, the Conference Organiser and the EUSEM Board, maintaining oversight of the budget for the congress and ensuring that the congress does not operate at a loss.
  • Convening ECOC meetings and ensuring that appropriate records and actions are maintained and circulated.
  • Leading the ECOC in supporting the SCOC (Scientific Organising Committee), EUSEM Office and Conference Organiser in the practical delivery of EUSEM Congresses.
  • Preparing reports for the EUSEM Board on the congress and overseeing evaluation of feedback from congress participants.
  • Liaising with partnering societies (e.g. EUSEN) to develop activities
  • Overseeing the Opening and Closing Ceremonies

If you would like to apply for this position, please send your CV and one page document outlining your interest in the position to Ms Davi Kaur,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Terms of Reference for European Emergency Medicine Congress (EUSEM Congress)

The European Emergency Medicine Congress (EUSEM Congress) is the largest annual congress in Europe for Emergency Medicine and the main dissemination platform of EUSEM. It is a core activity of the Society and is coordinated by the EUSEM Congress Organising Committee under the supervision of the EUSEM Board.

Purpose of ECOC

To act as a strategic and operational body to plan and implement the annual Congress on behalf of the EUSEM, with responsibilities including:

  • Oversight of the congress budget
  • Management of the professional conference organizer
  • Oversight of the congress sub-committees
  • High-level relationships with external organizations (industry, policy-makers, other societies) in relation to congress
  • Strategic management of ECOC

Reporting lines

ECOC will report to the EUSEM Board.

Reporting occurs through meeting minutes, and by presentations from the ECOC Chair, who will attend Board meetings Ex-Officio.

ECOC has two sub committees:

  • Scientific Congress Organizing Committee (SCOC)
  • Abstract committee

These will report to ECOC. Reporting occurs monthly, via meeting minutes and by oral/written reports from the Chairs at ECOC meetings.


  • ECOC will meet at least once in person during the annual congress
  • ECOC will meet virtually monthly on average (frequency may vary during the year), The Chair will approve the agenda of all meetings and it will be circulated to members at least 5 days prior to the meetings.
  • The minutes of meetings will be recorded, circulated and formally agreed via email.

Membership and roles of ECOC

Membership will include the following:

  • Chair
  • SCOC Chair
  • Abstract Chair
  • EUSEM President
  • Industry Liaison Officer
  • Treasurer
  • CEO of EUSEM
  • Representative of the Local National Society
  • Representative of the EUSEN
  • Representative of YEMD section
  • Congress Communication Officer

In addition, the following will be invited to attend ECOC meetings but will not have a vote:

  • EUSEM staff responsible for the congress
  • Representative of the conference organizer

All Chairs will be appointed by the EUSEM Board.

Unless otherwise agreed, nominated members commit themselves to serve on the ECOC for a term of up to 3 years, with the possibility to extend it by an additional term of up to 2 years.


  • To maintain and develop the Congress as the major annual meeting in Europe on Emergency Medicine and the major dissemination platform for EUSEM.
  • To share and exchange best clinical practice in Emergency Medicine.
  • To deliver the best scientific research data to the EM community.
  • To ensure that the Congress is self-sustaining and does not operate at a loss.
  • To guarantee the practical delivery of the congress by the Congress Organizer, SCOC and Abstract committees.
  • To ensure that the congress is representative of, inclusive and accessible to Emergency Medicine specialists and related communities (including academic, industrial, policy, outreach and education) across Europe, in terms of topical interest, cost and geographical location.