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The incidence of work accidents at Sibiu Emergency Room 


Occupational accidents or occupational illnesses are a complex phenomenon with profound socio-professional implications.

Worldwide, 850,000 work accidents occur daily.


We conducted a retrospective observational study on a total of 191,325 patients presented at the Emergency Room of Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital, between 01.01.2015 and 31.12.2017.


Of the total of 190,441 patients, in the Emergency Room were reporter 322 (0.1683%) work accidents .

The annual distribution during the study was the following:  2015 – 98 (30,43%) cases, 2016 – 119 (36,95%) cases, 2017 – 105 (32,6%) cases.

The gender distribution was the following: 19 women (19.38%) and 79 men (80.62%) in 2015; 37 women (31.09%) and 82 men (68.91%) in 2016, 15 women (14.28%) and 90 men (85.72%) in 2017.During the study, 75 patients, representing 23.29% of patients, required admission.The annual distribution of hospitalized patients was as follows: 21 (21.42%) in 2015, 26 (21.84%) in 2016, 28 (26.66%) in 2017. The rest were treated in outpatients.Causes of work accidents were: plagues - 84 (26.08%), contusions - 76 (23.6%), fractures - 74 (22.98%), cranial injuries - 29 (9%), intoxications - 3,726), burns - 10 (3,1%), amputations - 10 (3,1%) and other injuries - 27 (8,38%).The yearly distribution of wounds was the following: 33 cases in 2015, 26 cases in 2016 and 25 cases in 2017.The yearly distribution of contusions was as follows: 21 cases and 2015, 26 cases in 2016 and 29 cases in 2017.The distribution of amputations per year was the following: 2 cases in 2015, 3 cases in 2016 and 5 cases in 2017.The yearly distribution of fractures was as follows: 21 cases in 2015, 28 cases in 2016 and 25 cases in 2017.The yearly distribution of cranial trauma was as follows: 5 cases in 2015, 12 cases in 2016 and 12 cases in 2017.


The distribution of work-related accidents per year during the study period was relatively constant.

The most common cause of work accidents was trauma.The most common traumatic injuries were wounds, followed by contusions and fractures.Labor accidents have mostly affected men (over 80%).As a result of work accidents, only 23.29 of the patients required admission.