Dear colleagues, sympathizers and friends!
In the sense of good tradition, I would like to invite you to IX. year of the Central European Congress of Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine on 19 - 21 April 2018 in Vyhne. I am glad to do so in my own name and also on behalf of SSUMaMK and OZ Star of Life. Our congress is the most important professional, educational and social activity of our urgent society. The presentation of scientific and clinical observations and the latest knowledge in the field are the point and essence of our Congress . We strive to provide detailed information for the entire urgent society in a transparent form.
And so, dear colleagues, I invite you not only to passive but also to active participation. Contributions and organization will be divided by our Scientific Committee into program blocks of working groups as well as individually designed sections. Also in 2018 we will continue with simulations of acute conditions and traditional workshops.
IX. year of the Central European UMaMK Congress will be held in the spirit of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Star of Life Association, the main co-organizer of the Congress, and we will be honored to celebrate this anniversary round with you. We look forward to seeing you in Vyhne 2018!
Yours sincerely
Táňa Bulíková
President of SSUMaMK