
New publication: Status of the specialty Emergency Medicine in Europe

By Wilhelm Behringer (a) and Ruth Brown (b)

aDepartment of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria and and bImperial College Healthcare NHS trust, UK
Correspondence to Wilhelm Behringer, MD, MBA, MSc, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University Vienna, Vienna General Hospital

Received 28 July 2023 Accepted 29 July 2023.


Emergency Medicine is a relatively young specialty in Europe [1,2]. It started in Europe 1972, when the first 30 consultant posts were established in the UK, at that time under the name Accident & Emergency medicine, which was changed to Emergency Medicine in 2004 [3]. The European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes, UEMS) represents hospital medical specialists within the member states of the EU, and includes 43 specialist sections representing independently recognized specialties. Continue reading....